Жүжигчин Анжелина Жоли, Брэд Питт нарын 13 настай охин Шайло ээжтэйгээ санал зөрөлдөж, аавынхаа Лос-Анжелес дэх гэрт очжээ. Охин ээж, ах, эгч, дүү нартайгаа уулзаж байх ч аавтайгаа хамт амьдарна гэж хэлсэн талаар Жолигийн танил нь ярьсан байна.
Жоли охиноо явахад цурхиртал уйлж, үлдэхийг гуйж байжээ. Гэвч түүнийг зогсоож чадаагүй гэнэ.
Шайло ээждээ аавтай нь бага уулзуулж байна гэж гомдсон аж. Охин бага байхаасаа эрэгтэй хүүхдийн хувцас өмсдөг байсан бөгөөд хүйсээ солихыг хүсдэг талаар нь хэвлэлүүд бичиж байв.
Эцэг, эх нь ч түүний энэ хүслийг төдийлөн хорьдоггүй гэдэг.
Сэтгэгдэл ( 14 )
Hudlaa medee tavihaa bolichooch
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913
Hello Madam and Sir We are a financial structure that offers loans between individuals to enable people to realize their dreams. If you have a personal project; or need funding. If you are interested, contact us directly telling us the amount you wish to borrow and your repayment term. Revolving loan of $ 3,000 to $ 15,000,000 email: matildalecoustre@gmail.com wathsapp: 0022 995 414 913